Sunday, October 02, 2005

International Day of Peace

Samaners was invited by Griffith University, as a guest performer which represents multicultural
people in the celebration of the International Day of Peace. The performance went very well and we are very pleased with the enthusiasm and applause from the audience.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Samaners Freshman's Debut

Yesterday, 11 September 2005
Our newly joined members did their debut performance at St John's Cathredal for the Remembrance of 9/11 Tragedy.

Congratulation for the great performance!!!

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

International Day of Peace

Multi-Faith Centre
invites Samaners to perform in the celebration of the International Day of Peace , declared by the United Nations in 2002.

Wednesday, September 21st , 2005
12.00 noon – 1.00 pm
Griffith University, Nathan Campus

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

In the remebrance of the 9/11 tragedy

Samaners is invited to perform on
Sunday 11 September 2005
St. John's Cathedral
in the remembrance of the 9/11 tragedy.
Practice session commence on Friday,2 September 2005
6:00 PM in Tivey room, UQ.

Friday, August 19, 2005

60th Indonesian Independence Day Celebration

Samaners is one of the performers in the celebration Indonesian 60 year of Indepence. The official event was held in the office of Honorary Consulate, Eagle Street Brisbane on 16 August 2005 at 6:30 pm.
These are the pictures taken from the event.

Samaners with the Governor of Queensland and Honorary Consul

Sebelum manggung

Haila Hotsa

Anak Bageu Raha

Hai Anak Laen

For members of Samaners who would a complete collection of the photo could access the Samaners yahoo groups at

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Saman Lyric

Salamualaikum kami ucapkan para undangan yang katreteka
Karena salam nabikeun sunan jarot tamumah tanda mulia
Mulia waroh ranup lampuan mulai rakan mangen suara
Lanuk konengan kama bareujuet, kama bareujuet wahai cedara

La ila lailala he wase u he inhala
e inhala meutu a eu la ila lailalahe
Taja kumbang haila puteh eh inhala
Taja kumbang haina puteh hei inhala

Hai aneuk la-en hai adoe e
La-en hai adoe e
Jame baro troh
Laen hai adoe e
Tamong jak piyoh
Laen hai adoe e
U ateuh tika

Milet millet laha
Walaha uwella
Millet millet lahe
Walaha uwellett
Bukon le sayang lon kalon bu-eh
Kaputeh puteh lam la-ot raya
Bukon le sayang lon kalon wareh
Janggot ka puteh sembahyang hana

Kutiding lahang dingham ane
Kutiding lahang dingham
la hembots bots la tiding lahembots bots la tiding
Haina pute pute haina pute pute
la pute si bungon pute la pute si bungon pute
Hailela babinte hailela babinte
la binte ke ayo mate labinte ke ayo mate eha

Ceumpala pala dengo dengo
Long kisah lah saboh habaran
Cempala pala bayem bayem kereuja sidro
Cot jeumpa

Aneuk bage-bage raha (hai)
Lon hala u hala
Aneuk bage-bage rahe (hai)
Lon ala u elhe

Hai aneuk la-en hai ado-e
Lagu ka abeh
La-en hai ado-e
Kamoe meuriwang
La-en hai ado-e
Malam kajula

Lagu dendang lagu dendang kuta banda
Makna jareo lah sedap di pandang mata

hai mile mile laha aiwa laha ehala
mile mile laha aiwa laha ehala
mengeunta tage kutu kutu keujeu mangen ke bahlem jarum kuase
mengingat kelam beukaing kaing kuteu lagi keje jarum kuase
hei mile mile alaha walaha ehala mile mile walahe ohele
ta pua pua bumbang megando ohele
haile lababinte ke ayo ayo mate

ala mile alaha walaha ehala mile mile alahe walahe ohele

Hai la ot sah ilah ombak meu alon
Kapai ji ek tren meugisa gisa
Hai meunyo na salah bukon salah lon
Salah mu laphon awai bak gata

Mealimong-limong kapai ji- tamong
Duo go limong kapai ji bungka
Agama Islam rukon jih limong
Jeut tieujak tanyong nibak ulama
Hai la otsah